Tallahassee Eye Conditions
Even though we see ourselves in the mirror everyday, we can fail to notice small details that might be indicators of something more. This is definitely the case with our eyes. Regular detailed eye exams with our eye care professionals at Big Bend Family Eye Care in Tallahassee can identify several indicators that may go unnoticed by the untrained eye. Basal cell carcinomas, or skin cancer, can sometimes show up around the eyelids where it often causes a sore that doesn’t seem to heal and can lead to a loss of the eyelashes around the area as well. While it may seem insignificant, it is not something to ignore. While these are not usually fatal, they can cause severe disfigurement, blindness, and can lead to death if they are able to reach the brain through the eye socket. Routine eye exams are an excellent way to help determine if this is a benign condition or something to seek further medical treatment for.
Skin cancer can sometimes show up around the eyelids.
Myasthenia Gravis is an autoimmune disease characterized by muscle weakness.
Determining Eye Problems in Tallahassee
While droopy eyelids can be seen as nothing more than a symptom of not getting enough sleep, the eye care professionals at Big Bend Family Eye Care in Tallahassee can help you determine if it actually a symptom of a more serious condition. Droopy eyelids on both sides can be evidence of a condition known as myasthenia gravis, an autoimmune disease characterized by muscle weakness. This condition can actually be deadly if not treated, and can be difficult to detect in its milder forms, which makes a comprehensive eye exam your best bet in early detection. The eye care professionals in Tallahassee can also recommend further medical treatment upon identification.
Another serious condition that is easy to miss when looking in the mirror everyday is one called Horner’s Syndrome. Horner’s is characterized by a combination of droopy eyelids and pupils of different size. While this may not seem like a serious condition, it is recommended that you see a doctor as soon as possible, as this condition is sometimes associated with tumors in the neck and aneurysms. Early detection of this condition is much more likely if you undergo routine eye exams with an eye care professional, and the professionals at Big Bend Family Eye Care in Tallahassee are experts in the field.